Saturday, February 11, 2023

Shaky Ground

Shaky Ground 


You say you have an idea,

You say you’ve laid the plans,

You said you thought it over,

Will make it on this land.

So where’d you get the numbers,

Where’d ya get the tools,

Where’d ya get the money,

Are ya’ playin’ me for a fool?


Oh, Sweetie don’t be silly,

I’ve said I thought it out,

I’ll get the plan together,

So you’ll no longer doubt.

The numbers are all ready,

Pa’ will lend me tools,

Bank’ll give me money,

I’ll play it by the rules. 


You put a ring on my finger,

You promised me a home,

You said we’d have some children,

Now you’re gettin’ loans?

Honey, that ain’t Christian!

I’ll tell it to ya straight,

Put an end to your nonsense

Before it’s too late. 


It’s not as shaky as yer’ thinkin',

No not half as what ye’ say. 

I promise that my thinkin’ 

Won’t land us in that way.

The land indeed is wild,

Its groves are thick with trees,

Its hills are rough and wild,

And whistles with the breeze. 


It’s you that’s rough and wild,

You and all your tricks,

You’ll lead me into ruin,

And leave me with naught’ but sticks. 


It’s your love that has tamed me,

No longer wild and free,

I promise that I’m thinking,

Of us can’t you see?


Please I ain’t that stupid,

I know my maths quite well.

I know how long it’ll take you,

To profit from this well.

This plan is looking shaky! 

I think I’ll lose my mind,

Please don’t be so eager,

To leave the town behind. 


You won’t get behind me?

I’ll lead you into fame,

I’ll profit from this venture,

So all will know my name!

The husband leads the family,

I shall do the same,

When my plans fall asunder,

It’s you who is to blame!


And so the couple quarreled

On and on it went

She finally surrendered

And the money was all spent.

He shouldn’t have been so hasty,

She shouldn’t have called him names.

They should have thought it over

And planned for harsher rains. 

It could have gone much different

If the two had talked it out

He had laid down numbers

Or she had sought it out. 

They should have worked together

They could have made it work

If either had chosen to listen

Instead of inflicting hurt. 

I now shall show once more

How the two could work it out

The venture planned much better

He lay her to rest her doubts 


Hey honey I have somethin’

A plan that I have hatched

A venture now with profit,

A home for us to catch

A cellar full of food,

And land all around

In this little venture

All will be quite sound. 


Have a seat it’s time for dinner.

I see you are quite stoked

Let’s talk this whole thing over

Lest we might go broke. 

Tell it to me simply,

Each piece is its own thing

I hate to be skeptical

But planning ain’t your thing. 

I’m excited about the idea,

A home with land to fill

But where’s the money coming from

I hate for us to overbill. 


I plan to go out west,

Stake claim on the new land

Work it till it’s ours 

This is my whole plan. 


I heard about the new land,

And I agree it’s our way out.

But let’s plan a litter deeper

Lest the worst comes about. 

We have no wagon or oxen

We’d have to stock on food.

I don’t see right now the money

Or on our feet, we might could stood. 

Let’s plan a year together.

Buy up the things we need.

Work hard to save the money

So next year we might be freed. 


The two talked over

Long into the night. 

Neither one began to quarrel

Nor was there a sight. 

A year passed so quickly. 

And still, there wasn’t enough

But the two worked together 

Until they could buy the stuff. 

Both were prepared for the journey

They’d laid claim officially 

They were ready for the farming

And they worked together happily

It’s amazing how some verbiage

Could change the path we take

How one can cause a rift

Another joy to bake 

Monday, September 30, 2019

I Think Again

I think again of yester’ year 
I think of what I had and feared 
I miss the ease I had back then
How easy it was to strive and win

I miss the house my little room
I miss the joys ended too soon
I miss the family miss the friends 
But all things must come to an end 

I walk this hall one last time
Before it crumbles down fine
The smell is such I cannot abide 
And so my emotions again ride

I hate this house and all it’s rooms 
It’s events are nothing but tombs
The fun between hunger and fear
God’s assurance oh so near

I hate that kitchen oh so small 
It ceiling low, not very tall
No room to work within the walls
And pest control needed a call

The living room so full of junk
No space for life I often thunk
My home indeed so very small
But I miss the house where I grew tall

My room indeed had not a door 
It fell on me as it broke before 
The vent as well was not well 
My child hood home a living hell

The life I had was never fine
The food simple of which we dined
The work was constant without doubt 
To my room I often would pout 

The sands of time cover the past
The sorrow now will not last
I miss it only cuz life’s so hard 
The grass was greener little card

I miss my home I had back then
My spirit’s want can never win
I must press on to better days
Not be trapped in my yester ways

And so I walk this hall once more 
Forsake my wants and close the door 
I will smile at a brighter day
As I forge my trail in a new way

Friday, September 13, 2019

Good ol' Days

I'm looking back on the good ol' days
The fun the had the fun was made
The times a joy the times we hurt
I'm looking back on the good ol' days

I'm building my brand new day
Pulling out weeds and hoping they'll stay
Building myself from what was left
I'm building my brand new day.

These are still good ol' days.
Despite what I miss in the maze.
The fun I had while just a kid.
These are still good ol' days.

I can't judge what's coming next
I hope to meet the guy that's best.
I'm struggling through doubt and fear.
I can't judge what's coming next.

I'll look back and call this good ol' days
Things I've done the errors made
I'm struggling through oh so much
These are still good ol' days.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Update Sept 2019

I'm trying to figure out how to start this. I need to give you guys an update but honest I am not feeling much of anything right now. Honest, I'M BORED! And that's 90% of my problem. LOL

So I've been up to MANY things. Especially school. I've been working through two classes and MATH. Which I've never really been good at. There is just so much I missed growing up. I'm hoping to pass the test this week and have it done and over with.

Been working through Khan's academe and IXL to help with my math.

Starting next Monday, I'll be taking a CNA (Certified Nurses' assistant) Class to help get me into the medical field.

I hope my dead boredom gets fixed by then. This is RIDICULOUS.

School... music... Music I'm not really doing much. I wrote another poem not long ago, but it may be a while before I publish it. It's not done.

Art. I'm decorating pop sockets. And working on a color by number.

Still house cleaning. Not babysitting much. Simply school is the priority and it doesn't leave much time for playing. (Amongst other things that I don't want to talk about)

Speaking of playing, that's one thing I don't do as much. I want to. But haven't had time. Maybe after I read my textbook for an hour tonight I can pull something out. Not sure if I want to or not.

Writing. I'm laughing that I even thought of it to comment on. I've done a few poems. but haven't done much writing in general.

Pray I stay focused and sane as I try to move forward in life.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Lauren's open response to Kendra

This letter has nothing to do with my proposed decision to be adopted. (Which has not taken place yet! It's simply a discussion.) This simply has to do with everyone's refusing to acknowledge my autonomy as an adult.  


Kendra, this is Lauren  🙂
 I'm sitting down at Vannan's computer because frankly you know nothing of me.
you are judging her on slander that you have heard without merit
you've Been invited by your sister and you are constantly discrediting
her AMAZING progress
from depression to joy, from distrust to strength ALL POWERED by the ALMIGHTY
I am not the reason she has finally embraced her womanhood, I am just an avenue that God chose
I'm honored to be on this journey with your sister
I have seen the level of disrespect you guys have leveled against her and she has weathered it with grace
I'm disappointed that so many people have chosen to accept slander as truth and discredit Vannan in her accomplishments
it is unbiblical to spit slander and refuse to view for yourself.
You can answer all the sing song silliness you will
but without seeing for yourself without rejoicing with your sister in her accomplishments you are disrespecting the Almighty
in such a way that you might question your intent
Do you not want your sister to succeed? 
Do you not value her ambition?
 Do you not care that she is developing Autonomy in a way that is AMAZING and Godly?
There have been times that we have sat in many discussions where she has sharpened my wisdom in her insight
she is to be cherished and valued
not discredited
I am disgusted at how you have disvalues her how you have chosen to accept lies and to speak disrespect and slander without hesitation
She has been progressing in a way that makes me think that after about 6 months she will be able to obtain her own apartment, SHE WILL HAVE HER DRIVERS LICENSE
and she will have independence like you have never experienced.
I am amazed at her willingness to rise above the negativity to address her own short comings and to endeavor to become an amazing person against all odds including you as her sibling who is steadily challenging her in a disrespectful way
enough is enough
I see it as jealousy and that my dearest believer is a sin.
SHE BEING your SISTER is one AMAZING individual. 
If you can't see that and you don't want to see it in person that's your loss
It's in your court, quit being a nay sayer and come see your sister. She's the bomb.
and God's got her like He should. She's headed to do amazing things for HIM with or without your approval
3 classes in and she will achieve her goal of a college degree be it a Physical Therapy Assistant or a Nurse ( the two things she's said she wants)
and she will have the opportunity to spread God's love in an amazing way to people who NEED it.
You keep saying "I forgive you" like she's done something wrong.
the funny thing is I see it the other way around
you guys are driving her to tears because you refuse to encourage and support her.
It's stupid. She's made leaps and bounds since she came here in June. Shame on you all for not speaking positively about her accomplishments
You want to believe slander? So be it. I'll be the walking devil if it means that God's will is accomplished. She's going great places...... She's Amazing
I'm just the peon God chose as His pawn in her journey
you think you've got a silver pen and cute words but you have yet to say "I'm proud of you sister" you have yet to say "I trust you sister" you have yet to say "I want to see it from your perspective"...... ENOUGH is ENOUGH
If you don't have a positive word then silence your mouth and quiet your pen
standing in the way of God's will is a poor choice for a believer.
Job's friends had plenty to say
but they were all wrong
take your fear and send it back to the devil. Quit taking the words of slanders and spilling it as truth.
you want the truth come witness your sister as she makes her path in spite of the lack of support she is receiving. 
and do me a favor paste this all over send it in full to all who will listen because there is no shame in the position I hold with the Savior...... I'm His and follow Him alone and I have no need to defend my character because MY G
GOD goes before me.
Just as so many have weathered the storm of gossip and slander I am not immune to the devil but I can honestly say that he is using so many of you so instrumentally that I would wonder what in the world he hopes to accomplish
the fact that you will believe without question and in fact call your sister a liar because you refuse to believe her further indicates to me that your jealousy is what binds you. She's got this, she's going places, she a force to be reckoned with....... All because she knows the Almighty in a way that few can obtain.
You have been invited to see it from her eyes and you have continually made excuses...... it's your issues you need to wrestle with. She's working out her faith in a strong and Biblical way....... and as I said before she has weathered the storms against her with grace.
Shame on you for acting like you have some divine authority over her. That is God's space. In time you will need her forgiveness because she will remember your unwillingness to see the truth. 
Have a wonderful night. The offer is open as always but it is you who has to rise above your own assumptions and step out in faith. Your sister is miles ahead in that area...... There is no ill will between you and I but the disrespect you have levied against your sister is abhorrent. I hope that you will  begin to see the error in your way and seek her forgiveness when she is ready.


"Shouldn't you be asleep right now?" 

I sit in the green grass of Giver Hill looking out over the great world of possibilities. I glance over at the Giver with a slight half smile. "I should, either that or studying. I shouldn't be writing." 

"Then why do you persist my child?" He sits down beside me looking over the landscape with me. 

"Do you love me?" I ask. 

"Yes Loralye, I love you. I've given you a new name, now endure."

"I'm not sure I like being called a Temptress." I state with a slight frown. 

"The temptress who sings upon stones." he corrects me. "Stop and think child, is that not what you do? Do you not in the face of satan's attacks turn your face to the sea and sing? Do you not count every battle as a victory in the midst of the fight as I've taught you to do." 

"When you spoke to Kendra..." 

"I've yet to speak with your sister, she has no peace because she does not ask for peace. She is determined to fight. I'm not in the mountain, or the storm, or the battle... I'm in the silence of the wind. She spoke to Rage and Fear... I do not give a spirit of Fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind." 

"Why do they abandon me?" I look up at him for the first time since our conversation began, he's comforting to me to look at. I know him, and he me. 

"Child, they are afraid. It is easier to believe lies than the truth. Believe child I am working in their hearts. I'm proud of you. Even in this, you've sung on the rocks. I heard you today." 

"You gave the songs Abba. Thanks by the way you always know what I need." Tears form in my eyes as I smile up at him. "And thanks for turning off my phone. I needed that. Better than locking my phone in the box until tests are done." 

"You were being irresponsible with it. I'm still your father, and you still are my child. I will rebuke you and chase after you as long as you need it." 

"How... how do I know I'm where I'm supposed to be?"

"Why did I tell you to come here?" 

I pause frowning. "For healing." 

He nods at me. "Yes, yes that's why I told you to come. What were your signs?" 

"You gave me several. The date, First time around the lake was with my brother, second we would go backwards, third we'd consider going around twice. Then a sit-down restaurant to celebrate your provision before it would be granted. The second sign was dogs under a Library's counter. Fourth white rats, fifth a boys bathroom with no door. Visiting Cousin Ten... Bass Pro Shop... what else?"

"Did these come to pass?" 

"Every sign you've given me has come to pass. I've never been wrong. Was... that person my family that I offered myself to and they refused?"


"Will they return to me?" 

"When the time is right. You've got much to learn. You've developed beautifully, but even this isn't enough. You will go through more. You're not perfect, but I'm so proud of you." 

"Abba, I've got so much more to do before my assignments are due Monday, then the finals! I'm... I can't-"

"Child! How little you know! How little you believe. Do the things you know to do! Don't be overwhelmed. Sing child, sing upon your rocks. Rocks can be hardship, but they are also a firm foundation. They are stable and they won't be moved." 

I look out over the land noticing many things that I'd normally ignore. "Will you speak to them?" 

"Where do you end and they begin? Boundaries child. I'm to worry about that. You do what you know you're supposed to do. Let me handle the rest. You've reached out, you've spoken truth. You've acted not in secret... besides, you've done nothing yet. You know what you want, you've talked to professionals. Child, you know this is right. Their gossip and bad attitudes I'll handle. If not in this life, the next. Besides, you get a crown for persecution remember. I left my family, remember." 

"I remember. What about Kendra and I needing to work together?" 

"You're grown! As children, yes. I gave you to each other to challenge and grow off one another. Now, I'm pulling you out to continue growing, to continue expanding. Loralye! You've not had her for two years. And yet, you've grown and matured. You've done many things for my kingdom, and I'm proud of you. But I call you to the world to minister. I need you to be able to blend in. Learn my words, trust my rules, and believe my teachings. What's your favorite psalm?" 

"Psalm 27." I reply instantly, the music running through my head. "Though my Father and Mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me." 

"Am I not? You can only control you. You're headstrong enough to break out of anything if you want to. Even a gilded cage. if you were in distress, I would remove you. I've set you with my servant, one I've trained to train you. I told you to trust her, I told you to trust people. Trust and believe." 

"Please Lord, let them visit me. Let them come see. Lead them to me to test the lies of Satan to challenge my words, let them act on your spirit's guiding. Lord, allow me to be gracious and Loving in all things. Abba, Let it be, let them see, and guide us into a brighter future."

"As if the battle's been won." 

"Abba, what's time for you, what's paper to you. Are these not man's inventions?" 

"I made time child... but my was are not another's ways. Trust me on that. Believe me on that. You're beautiful, strong, and you trust me. Even if life here is hard, there is a reward in heaven for you. Just... get out of the fiction and games child, you're not helping yourself. GO TO BED." 

"I believe I can now Abba. How do I know these are your words?" 

A sense of disappointment fills me. "I speak the words I've spoken. You hear the words I intend. I guide your heart and you listen, You wish to be my friend. My child you want to listen. You wish to do my will. You recognize fear and contentment, you know and allow your heart to still"

Here I notice his absence, the voice is gone. It was so strong... I obey and turn to leave returning to my bed in order to have the best day possible in aproxemently four hours. 
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