One day while I was volunteering at the local Equestrian center I asked the head lady (who also did farrier work) Why every six weeks do you do every horses hoofs. Well... I let this free verse poem I wrote tell you.
I stood one day,
Out of the way,
And I watched the farrier work.
And I asked her,
Why do you do this thing,
Why trim the horses feet.
Said she to me
"I do this thing,
Every six weeks.
And If I did not,
He'd be really sore,
And then how sorry I would be.
And his feet would hurt,
And his legs would too,
And his back,
And his neck,
And his head,
And it throb,
And throb,
So he couldn't do his job.
And then how sorry I would be.
He would trip,
And get really sick,
Then he couldn't help a soul
And he would be,
Truly useless to me.
Cuz' I neglected to do my work.
Said I to her
"I think I understand,
It is kind of like the gospel.
If we don't get it right,
And read it regularly,
Then our faith would truly be sore.
And our feet would hurt
And our legs would too,
And our back,
And our neck,
And our head,
And we'd sob,
And sob,
Cuz' we didn't do our job.
We forgot to read God's word.
She nodded and said
"I never thought of it,
In quite that way,
But indeed you are right,
It is like the Gospel,
There is but one way,
And only one,
To get into heaven.
And if we don't get it right,
We will truly be sore
For we did not do it,
And let God settle the score.